Monday, July 25, 2011

happiness is...

 napping + sun + music

 beach + wiffle ball

 margaritas + colorful beach chairs

 a mommy + a peanut + sand toys

 colorful umbrellas + lake

creeping with a camera + on the verge of heat stroke brothers

well, maybe not so much...
but we're happy anyway.


  1. now i want to go to the beach or lake or anywhere with water! have fun :)

  2. I would love to be at the beach right now! I love being able to just relax by the water. The pool is close enough for me. Have a great day!

    XO Hilary Nicole

  3. That place looks gorgeous! I loooooove how you get a view of the mountains behind the lake! perfectly acceptable to take ridiculous amounts of photos! Keep having fun!!!

  4. I am totally loving all these summer photos! The beach photos are absolutely making me jealous! I miss Lake Tahoe...

    Oh! If you're into swaps, I'm hosting a package exchange over at my blog. Please do join us! :)

       ♥ Teresa ♥
    - Pretty Dandy -

  5. ahhh happiness IS the beach. and the sun. and summer :)


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