Thursday, August 4, 2011

praha >> 2007

Praha, or, Prague, Czech Republic, is one of my favorite cities.
I was excited to see Prague because of my ancestry and because it's Eastern Europe [my favorite region].
 museums, architecture, swoon.

 keeping it classy in the cathedral.
[alliteration win]

 take my breath away, 

 beautiful stonework + culture.

 color everywhere.

 check out the flying buttresses and baroque symmetry! 
[art history...still got it]

 prague has the most gorgeous stained glass windows out of any european city i have seen.
swear it.

I also scored big time at the open market.
This was back in my, "I'm not interested in photography but I'll take some pictures for the memories" stage.
Hence, not a ton of pics.
Prague, I'm coming back for you.


  1. oh my gosh! i was just in all of those places. it really is a beautiful, beautiful city. and your alliteration win was great!

  2. Prague really is beautiful. When I went, though, it was the last stop in a month-long trip, so I was tired and cranky. I'd like to go back and appreciate it a little more!

  3. House of Terror is in Budapest! Such an awesome museum!

  4. I can't wait to start exploring the Eastern side of Europe when I get back!


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