Sunday, February 27, 2011

out and about...

this was friday morning.
i like skies, i do.
 after i dropped the boy off at school, i headed downtown for some art supplies.
[more on that, later...]
i was in a super artsy mood and was loving the graffiti down town.
 i was also loving starbucks.
but i only have it on rare occasions.
a lot better than my previous one a day addiction back home.
keep in mind that it's freezing here, but i still love my coffee cold.
when the barista asked where i was from (apparently my accent was detecable through my half ass deutsch...)
i told her, california.
she then said, oh so you always are used to iced drinks. must be nice.
i said, yes, yes it was.
 i'm a sucker for skies.
bright, colorful, dream like skies.
mi favorito.
guten nacht, liebe.

1 comment:

  1. I just read your comment and followed you here, and I'm so happy I did!! I have such a desperately malnourished travel bug (I read travel magazines by the bushel and have a travel journal of all the places I WILL go...with or without my husband!) that reading you will keep me sane. I'm glad to meet you (and yes, crazy things can happen in love. I'm glad you are meeting up)


show some love.
i like hearing what you have to say :)