Sunday, November 27, 2011


scenes from the holiday
 wednesday night we celebrated mama's birthday with an early thanksgiving dinner + extended family.

thursday we had a feast at dad's with family and friends.

some things that make my heart full with thanks:
my family, my friends, our health, technology so i can talk to family and friends near and far, a job that i love, another job that i like, food on the table, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, my creative passion, my education, coffee, the nba lockout coming to an end, my safety, and all of the love in my life.
there is always something to be thankful for.


  1. gosh you and your mom look so much alike!

    and your thanksgiving looked so special :) glad you enjoyed it girl!

  2. You also got 2 Thanksgivings this year :) Looks like such a great time and awesome that you were also able to celebrate your Mom's bday surrounded by family!


  3. Hooray for canon pictures! you guys are such a pretty family!

  4. Thank you for your compliments on my layouts. I'm glad you found Creabest and it's not so far from Osnabruck at all. Or will you be staying in another city this time? You don't have to worry about not being able to buy scrapbookmaterial. There are several shops in the Netherlands!
    Have a great time in Germany.

  5. omg. that little cupcake is so cute. super happy I stumbled onto your blog. definitely following. If you get a sec I'd love to hear what you think of my fashion blog. It's all about the adventures of a southern girl turned LA local. My outfit post today I shot it in front of Dee's house from Clueless. xo


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