Tuesday, November 1, 2011

all hallows eve two thousand eleven

Halloween has always been fun for me, but I can't stand spending money on a costume so I usually throw something together last minute. I worked on Saturday and Sunday, where we were allowed to dress up for our shift. 
Saturday = Gypsy
Headband and top: pre-owned from H&M 
Tights, shall, and jewlery were all found at the house.
The only thing I purchased were two peacock feathers for my hair: $2.99
SO, this outfit cost a mere three dolla make you holla.

Sunday = Peyton Manning
Jersey is mine, already had it.
Spandex work out capris, already had them.
Grey and blue tube socks: $3.99
So, yes this outfit was four dolla dolla bills y'all. 

 Monday = Fairy
Maxi dress: you guessed it; mine.
Headband: see gypsy outfit
Wings: $5.99

I whipped out three outfits for only $13.00
Not too shabby.

On Friday, the little broseph had a Crazy Hat Day and Fall Festival at his preschool. 
I was there on Big Sis and photographer duty.
The J-Man and his cute friend.
[she spoke some German with me!]

And last night, on Halloween.
We had a neighborhood parade and pizza party + trick-or-treating.
Dad + J

 Fireman + Spidergirl

J and his friend who was dressed up like a super adorable shark.

We had a lovely evening.
What did you do for Halloween wherever you are in the world?


  1. aaaall three costumes are awesome but i particularly liked your added, "three dolla make you holla," and "four dolla dolla bills ya'll"

    :) also, the spidergirl costume is pretty rad. i've never seen one before.

  2. yaaay colts! i'm a hoosier and i approve!

  3. OHHH my god, the first picture of your little J and his friend is so adorable! It should be in a magazine or something!

  4. Nicely done. I only spent $10 this year on the gaggle, which is a small miracle.

  5. You looked so cute in all your costumes!!

  6. Very cool - I like the gypsy costume the best. :)

  7. LOVE that you were Peyton, he's my boy! I mean, I wish.

  8. Your costumes are all super sweet and for only $13?! How awesome!


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