Friday, November 11, 2011

fill in the blank friday.

1. My favorite new blog of the moment is: GGC. I want to be just like Rebecca when I grow up!
2. Something I am thankful for is: my wonderful family. And technology...gotta love long distance :|
3. Something that made me laugh this week: my brothers. Always. The four year old says the funniest things and the 18 + 20 year old share my sense of humor so it's good times all around.
4. An item that is currently on my wishlist is: Well, aside from my Christmas list I posted yesterday, I'd love to have unlimited flights around the world. Does that work? ;)
5. I'm excited about: scrapbooking for 7 hours tomorrow. Random, but I'll be hanging with my mama and making progress of my Germany book. It's a lovely way to wind down.
6. If I were a color I would be:  purple, dark purple.
7. My favorite way to spend a chilly fall day is by: Drinking hot chocolate and reading next to a fire.

Come link up!


  1. Ohh i cant wait to see your germany scrapbook!

  2. I have to agree, unlimited flights (for the rest of my life) would be pretty much amazing! Oh the places I would go if I didn't have to drop a grand on plane flights. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Love this post! Flights around the world! Yes please!

    xo chanel

  4. Thank you for encouraging me to scrapbook. It was a delightful and productive night. I love hanging with my girl! Xxoo!

  5. 1. I love all of the Germany love on your blog!
    2. Homemade hot cocoa and a fireplace is my idea of heaven.
    3. I've contemplated working for an airline so I can get cheaper flights :)

  6. ahhh it would be the ultimate wish to have unlimited flights around the world. all of lifes problems would be solved haha. xx

  7. Love your wishlist! I can relate to roughly all of them.
    Especially the scrapbooking, drinking hot chocolate, and the color purple.


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