Sunday, November 20, 2011

instagram + noviembre

I'm still baffled by the fact that it is mid-late November, depending on where you stand with that. 

 This month I...
got the new iphone 4s, have had many "dates" with the little broski, got a ton of scrapbooking done [more on that later], babysat more kiddos, and indulged in a holiday starbucks.

 I also...
woke up with crazy curly hair, witnessed some seriously beautiful skies, skyped with my favorite boy, picked up some awesome vintage books at goodwill [I promise that I am not a neo-nazi, I am just a huge WWII buff...], and I found some lovely head accessories for the next royal wedding.

And lastly I...
went to the Breaking Dawn midnight premiere with Liz, hung out with the J-man some more, saw even more pretty skies and sunsets, hit up the J. Crew outlet with mama, had trouble getting out of bed, and accidentally hit the "text to talk" button on my phone while ordering a Caesar salad. Big laughs all around.


  1. i want an iphone4 so bad! i love your pictures!

  2. hahah i love that text to talk picture! That sounds super funny :) your november looks great so far!

  3. LOVE your iphone pics. Isn't isn't that darn thing sooooo addicting?? Cannot handle that Breaking Dawn has been out for 4 days and I still have to wait another 2 more days to see it. (promised my s-i-l I would wait till she got into town for thanksgiving.) So jealous!!!! Anyway, the pictures look great! keep having fun.

  4. ahhh j.crew outlet, basically the best invention ever! Love your instagraming, but I wanna see more with your Canon missy!

  5. im a WWII buff too :) and that red cup just made me super jealous ;)

  6. Love this post! I am seriously obsessed with instagram, and I'm not past the point of considering robbery so that I can get an iPhone... probably not the best idea though. Either way, I'm glad I found your blog :)


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