Tuesday, May 10, 2011

lemme see your peacock.

1. i get that song stuck in my head when i look at this photo from sunday:

2. i love katy perry + russell brand. so if they ever read this and they are thinking about have babies and need a nanny...i'm your gal. i love babies. and katy perry.

anyway, sunday.
mother's day, of course.
here in germany we went with the family + the oma's and opa's to an asparagus buffet at an old farm, turned garden shop and restaurant. the food was to die for. if you know me well, you know i am obsessed with my veggies. i think if i could live on one thing forever it would be veggies.
i have no photos of the food due to the fact that we ate like ravenous beasts.
just kidding...about the beast part. 
there was asparagus soup, eggs, and salads. asparagus wrapped in bacon-yum! asparagus and chicken, fish, beef, you name it. also, a medley of yummy veggies. cauliflower, asparagus, artichoke, green beans, mushrooms, carrots, broccoli...
is it weird that i'm this into food?

i didn't think so.
after brunch we walked around the farm.
they had a fantastic play area for the ninos and lots of pretty flowers.

...and a cool old car!

hope your weekend was just as lovely.
ciao, hay

1 comment:

  1. Glad you mentioned bacon amongst the asparagus!
    Love you,


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