Friday, March 29, 2013

test post

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just trying to get this whole bloglovin thing in order :)
this seems to be the go-to, now that google reader will be shutting down soon.
tell me how i'll be able to follow you!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

charity: water

this april, my dad is celebrating his 52nd birthday.
this year, my dad has pledged his birthday to charity: water in hopes to raise money to fund water projects to poverished people around the world, and more importantly to raise awareness about water quality on our globe. 
water is a natural resource and fuel to life that should not be denied by anyone, but unfortunately is for too many people. 

when my dad started his campaign a few months ago he set a modest goal of $1,000.
since then, with the support of friends, family, he has surpassed his goal and has been inspired to go even higher!

on wednesday, my dad will play 52 pledged holes of golf to reach his new goal: $10,00 for charity: water, 
with friends and family helping along the way. 

here's where you can help.
i urge you to watch the video below to see first hand how the clean water crisis is effecting our planet, our people, our world's children.

now that you've seen that and are feeling generous, head on over to my dad's campaign page to donate.
if you can't donate, please share the cause.
share with your family, your friends, your people. 
share it on your blog, facebook, or twitter. 
this is an epidemic that can be fixed.
maybe you'll even feel inspired to campaign your own birthday for clean water around the world.

*all images are from the charity: website, i do not own them.
*charity: water is in no way affiliated with this post. these words and opinions are my own.